Ocean meets sky
Ocean meets sky
  • 저자 : by Terry Fan ; Eric Fan
  • 출판사 : Simon & Schuster
  • 발행연도 : 2018
  • ISBN : 9781481470377
  • 자료실 : [도곡정보] 어린이자료실
  • 청구기호 : WB 843-F199o
줄거리 소개

Finn lost his grandfather a few years ago. He planned on a long journey that he and his grandfather had promised to go on. He made a boat and sailed to the place where the ocean meets the sky. He passed by many different unique islands. It was a great journey.

인상깊은 구절

He wanted to say good-bye.
(그는 할아버지께 작별인사를 하고 싶었다.)

인상 깊었던 이유

The sentence shows me the sorrow of the live saying goodbye to the dead. It makes me feel sad about the nature of death.

* <언니오빠가 읽어주는 재미있는 영어 동화> 프로그램 선정 도서로  책 읽어주는  고등학생들이 직접 작성한 글입니다