(The)Fat Cat Sat On the Mat
(The)Fat Cat Sat On the Mat
  • 저자 : by Nurit Karlin
  • 출판사 : HarperTrophy
  • 발행연도 : 2001
  • ISBN : 9780064442466
  • 자료실 : [도곡정보] 어린이자료실
  • 청구기호 : WB 747-I15h-v.1-17
줄거리 소개

As the title says, the story begins with the fat cat sitting on the mat of the rat. Rat wants to get the cat out of the mat, so he brings a bat, hat, and also a dish with a fish. When Wilma, who is the witch and the owner of these pets, comes back and asks what happened, the rat appeals to his resentment. But Wilma doesn't agree with the rat's point and the cat leaves easily.

인상깊은 구절

"Then I will go and get my hat," said the bat.
"It will get you off the mat."
"No it won't," said the cat.

인상 깊었던 이유

It was impressive because I could feel a nice rhythm in this part of the book.
Most words ending with '-at', so it was really fun to read, and also the light debate between the cat and others(rat and bat) was fascinating, too.

* <언니오빠가 읽어주는 재미있는 영어 동화> 프로그램 선정 도서로  책 읽어주는  고등학생들이 직접 작성한 글입니다