Days with frog and toad
Days with frog and toad
  • 저자 : by Arnold Lobel
  • 출판사 : HarperTrophy
  • 발행연도 : 1979
  • ISBN : 9780064440585
  • 자료실 : [도곡정보] 어린이자료실
  • 청구기호 : WB 747-I15h-v.2-16
줄거리 소개

This book is about a day with frog and toad. One day, Frog visited Toad's house. Frog found Toad's house dirty. Frog suggest Toad to clean it but Toad just said "tomorrow." Few minutes later, Toad notice that if he do something he doesn't want to do now, he doesn't have to worry about it and feels like in a dump.

인상깊은 구절

If I pick up my pants and jacket just right now, then I will not have to pick them up tomorrow, will I?
(만약 내가 바지와 자켓을 지금 줍는다면 내가 내일 그것들을 안 주워도 되겠네, 맞지?)

인상 깊었던 이유

This is because he realized that it would be good to do it in advance, who had always delayed his work.

* <언니오빠가 읽어주는 재미있는 영어 동화> 프로그램 선정 도서로  책 읽어주는  고등학생들이 직접 작성한 글입니다