  • 저자 : by Kevin Henkes
  • 출판사 : Greenwillow Books
  • 발행연도 : 2015
  • ISBN : 9780062368430
  • 자료실 : [도곡정보] 어린이자료실
  • 청구기호 : WB 843.6-H513w
줄거리 소개

Five dolls were each waiting for something - an owl was waiting for the moon, the pig was waiting for the rain, the bear was waiting for the wind, the puppy was waiting for the snow, and the rabbit wasn't waiting for something but it loved looking out the window. They were all happy to wait and see wonderful things, and sometimes gifts appeared, too. Then one day, a cat with a patched joined them. It seemed that ir was waiting for nothing but actually, it had other dolls inside it! Eventually, there were ten of them and they were happy together.

인상깊은 구절

And, of course, there was always the moon and the rain and the wind and the snow to keep them happy.

그리고, 당연하게도, 그들을 행복하게 해 줄 달과 비와 바람과 눈은 항상 있었어요.

인상 깊었던 이유

I was impressed because it made me feel happy and cozy and I learned we could also be grateful with those small things in our life.

* <언니오빠가 읽어주는 재미있는 영어 동화> 프로그램 선정 도서로  책 읽어주는  고등학생들이 직접 작성한 글입니다